Share Large Fles Using Simple Peer Data Channel

TheP2PFileTransferextensionenablesyoutoeasilyandsecurelysendandreceivefilesbetweenpeers.Toworkwiththisapp,pleaseopenitonatleasttwo ...,Peer-to-peerfiletransfersinyourbrowser.Droptoselect0files.Dropafiletogetstarted.Byselectingafile,youagreetoourt...。參考影片的文章的如下:


P2P File Transfer

The P2P File Transfer extension enables you to easily and securely send and receive files between peers. To work with this app, please open it on at least two ...

FilePizza • Your files, delivered.

Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser. Drop to select 0 files. Drop a file to get started. By selecting a file, you agree to our terms

List of P2P file sharing tools

List of P2P file sharing tools. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Send Anywhere

The easiest way to share files across all of your devices. Send files of any size and type, as many times as you want, all for free! Send Anywhere (File Transfer) · Download · Sign in · Pricing


Drag and drop a file directly on another person's avatar or click the avatar and select the file you want to send. The file transfer will start once the ...

Share files privately, fast and without size limit using ToffeeShare

We are a free and independent peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing service from the Netherlands that prioritizes your privacy and keeps your data safe. Download our free file transfer... · Transfer files from your phone... · Contact · Blog

Fast P2P File Transfer

Simplest File Transfer On the Planet! Experience fast Peer to Peer (P2P) file transfer based on the WebRTC standard. Free. Secure. Fast. Open Source!


drag 'n drop your file(s) to transfer anywhere on the page. or, click on the parachute to select your file(s). To start the transfer, the recipient must ...

Best 7 P2P File Sharing Websites [IndividualEnterprise]

Top p2p file sharing websites include ShareDrop, ToffeeShare, SendAnywhere, JustBeamIt, and Blaze, each providing unique features like encrypted ...

A simple way to share files over the net between friends using P2P ...

You can use a webtorrent client like to make it easier for friends who don't have a torrent client installed.


TheP2PFileTransferextensionenablesyoutoeasilyandsecurelysendandreceivefilesbetweenpeers.Toworkwiththisapp,pleaseopenitonatleasttwo ...,Peer-to-peerfiletransfersinyourbrowser.Droptoselect0files.Dropafiletogetstarted.Byselectingafile,youagreetoourterms,ListofP2Pfilesharingtools.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,Theeasiestwaytosharefilesacrossallofyourdevices.Sendfilesofanysizeandt...